Posts Tagged ‘Fruit’

Apple Crumble with Oatmeal Struesel

January 6, 2010

I sometimes make new year’s resolutions, but if I do it’s not so much that I break them so much as forget them. Hey, life gets busy when you’re blogging about food and getting all googily-eyed over the copy of Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking that your dapper and charming boyfriend got you for Christmas. But I view resolutions in the way I view diets—they’re ephemeral and not always effective, especially when compared to lifestyle changes, and usually in this case, lifestyle changes that are steps and not drastic 180s into world where—gasp!—you might cut out say, desserts!

Because you shouldn’t deprive yourself, especially of dessert, because you’ll just drive yourself mad. What you can do, though, is attempt to make “healthier” versions of desserts and eat them only in moderation (especially after the cookie-binge that is December).

Serve with a little vanilla ice cream in a wine glass, and you’re party-ready.

So to start the new year, here is my attempt at a health(ier) dessert. While it’s not prime apple season anymore (should I make another resolution—erm—lifesetyle change, to actually post these recipes when they’re in peak season and when I say I will? I’ll make a mental note).

Fruit Kuchen

November 3, 2008

When I was growing up, my mom would make Fruit Kuchen for brunches and special Sundays. It is beautiful and tasty, and makes it look like you put way more effort into it than it actually required. This time, I didn’t have blueberries, so I used pears instead. It was still pretty yummy, but blueberries really make this shine.

Fruit Kuchen
¼ lb. butter
¼ tsp baking powder
1 cup sugar (or less if the fruit is sweet – I always use less)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 cups flour
½ tsp salt
peach halves and blueberries (frozen works great!)Topping

1 cup sour cream + 3 tbsp sugar
2 egg yolks
